Every industry has their big event, their big game to play so to speak. Political parties in almost every country hold conventions with much pomp and circumstance. The candy industry is no different and every year, they have a gigantic celebration. Sponsored by the National Confectioners Association (yes, that’s a real association!), the Sweets & Snacks Expo 2015 is the candy & snacks industry’s biggest event. Featuring a who’s who of all the major U.S. candy companies showing off their wares and tasty treats, the Expo is any candy lover’s dream come true. We had a blast there! The entire Expo was a great success.
This year’s Expo was held in Chicago on May 19-21. It featured more than 650 manufacturers of chocolate, candy, gum, cookies, and more! Not only that, but also more than 16,000 industry professionals swung by and this included everyone from merchandisers to store owners.
While the candies presented satisfied every sweet tooth for miles, the Expo also prides itself on educating the populace on current candy trends and every morning featured relevant keynote sessions that aimed to jumpstart everyone’s days in a positive and informative manner. Speakers included Bill O’Reilly and other celebrities. There was also the Sweet Insights Theater, which offered TED-style sessions on a range of subjects.
Needless to say, the 2015 Expo was a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see what the National Confectioners Association has in store for next year!